Be prepared for alot of kids running around as you wait for class to commence.
Do remember to bring a pair of socks as you need to leave your shoes at the locker. Everyone who enter the premises will need to be in socks and sanitize your hands at the entrance.
Everyone will seat down on the Exercise Mat with 2 pillows during class.
Mineral water and biscuits are available for break time.
Class size is big minimally there are 25 couples there. Do bring your partner with you during the lesson as the stretching exercise involves the partner too. And its good for Mrs Wong to brainwash the daddy their responsibility too.
A set of 18 pages notes is also given that covers all the summaries notes for 5 lessons.
Lesson 1 – Physical & Mental Preparation
- Antenatal Exercise
- Nutrition Before & After Delivery
- Myths & Traditions
- Coping with Pregnancy Discomfort
- Back Care & Postures