Monday, April 10, 2017

Taipei Holiday Day 3 #251daysold

Booked Ah Hui taxi for his day tour

Our 9 sitter car with baby seat @ NT 4500 (8hrs) + NT 500/ extra hr 

After an hour journey first stop @ Yehliu Geopark 野柳地質公園

We also have mummy's relative who also happen to be holidaying in Taiwan for the day

Family photo with everyone Ah Gong, Ah Ma & Ah Gu

Mummy's cousin carrying Baby J


The famous Queen's Head

Auntie shopping at the market

Next stop to JiuFen Old Street 九份老街

Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布

Playing the swing with Lao Gim

Mummy & Vera jie jie

Off to Shifen Old Streets 十分老街 for 天燈

Last stop for the day - Keelung Miaokou Night Market 基隆廟口夜市

Back to hotel so happy to nua on bed