We decide not to bank with Private Cord Blood Bank firstly due to the high maintenance cost, secondly if the child is unhealthy in the first place his own cord blood is not gonna be of much use.
There's also an article recently that talks about "Privately-banked cord blood’s low rate of use calls into question its necessity" Most importantly don't waste the cord blood by disposing off as biological waste as it may save someone else live. Take it as a good merit done from the baby
Spoken to Cecelia previously on the line for pre-screening evaluation of eligibility before we arrange for the meeting to sign the Informed Consent Form and completion of the Maternal Risk Questionnaire
Brought along my blood test result as requested and was given a whole lot of forms to sign off while she explain to us how the whole procedure works
Went back with 2 envelopes, 1 for my record and the other to bring to the hospital and pass to Delivery Ward before giving birth
Read more about how SCBB function and how your donation can save a life